When we go through our daily life we identify ourselves and others with numerous different adjectives like: he’s a doctor, she’s a scientist, he is tall, she is short, he is angry, she is sad…
It is like we are walking around with glasses that have different filters for people. In that, we can forget that behind all the filters we are all souls experiencing this reality. The oneness and unity is always there, however it is buried underneath a false perception of separateness.
With transfiguration ritual we aim to put those filters away and again experience and see others for who they truly are, heart to heart, soul to soul.
Ultimately through this ritual one will discover that there is a beautiful lady both within the old woman walking on the side of the road, as it is within a youthful girl going to her prom celebration. The key this ritual provides is to see the same deep, soul-level profound beauty in both of them.
Join us to go beyond time and space, to see the true beauty of others and to be seen for who you truly are.