Sceptic, beginner or advanced practioner of yoga, Psychotherapy or holistic healing, we invite you to a talk bridging yoga, the consciousness of the Chakras, and Psychotherapy.
Come and ponder with us the metaphysical complexities of mental health in a light-hearted yet thought-provoking way over a cup of tea.
✨If you've ever wondered whether your Root Chakra is affecting your love life (or lack thereof), or if your Crown Chakra is truly connected to that fleeting sense of enlightenment you feel after a beautiful experience, this talk is for you!
✨ Explore the Chakras: Discover how the seven chakras relate to emotional and psychological states.
No pressure, but this is the perfect time to contemplate what is your “grounded root” or the activation of your “third eye”.
How imbalances in our Energy systems effect our mind body and spirit.
✨ Practical Techniques:
Learn simple methods to enhance your mental well-being through yoga and mindfulness practices that target each chakra.
Because, who knew balancing your chakras could be just as important as balancing your cheque book?
✨ Engage in Group Discussion:
We welcome the experience and input from those working in the fields of Psychotherapy, Yoga Therapy and Energy Healing and those who are experiencing deep healing journeys.
Join us in this exploration integrating elements of holistic healing, mindfulness and yoga psychology.
Mel & Maha