Healing Feminine Wisdom

🌺 Your Sacred Feminine Odyssey 🌺

Journey Into Yourself and The Sacred Feminine Archetypes.

Unearth your inner wisdom, heal your soul, and transform your life with the wisdom & rituals of the Tantric Maha Vidyas (goddesses of the cosmic forces of life).

2 Day Non-residential Workshop - Women Only - LIMITED PLACES

21-22 October 2023, Edinburgh, UK


This is a unique opportunity to embark on a personal healing journey, guided by the wisdom of the Maha Vidyas. You'll gain clarity of choice, explore the language of your inner self, and harness the ancient feminine archetypes to transform your life.

Join us for a transformative workshop led by Dr. Mihaiela Pentiuc, a respected Medical Doctor, Yogini, and Spiritual Mentor.

This 2 Day Workshop is designed to help each woman to discover what is her soul’s desire to heal or evolve at this moment in her life and the feminine deity who will support this growth, followed by initiation through ritual to create the communion and connection with her Maha Vidya.



Unearth your inner wisdom, heal your soul, and transform your life with the sacred feminine rituals of the Maha Vidyas. We can't wait to embark on this empowering journey with you! 💫🌸🌼

Are you feeling disconnected to your feminine nature?

Are you wanting to expand and explore your feminine nature more deeply?

Are you wanting guidance with the next stage of your life journey embodied from the soul? 

In this programme you will:

  • Explore the feminine ways of development from the Soul.

  • Discover your individual pathway of development at this moment

  • Learn about the 10 aspects of the feminine archetypes from Tantra (The Maha Vidhyas)

  • Understand the importance of symbolism in healing

  • Uncover the archetype most relevant for you in this moment.

  • Build a foundation for healthy healing and personal growth.

  • Heal & grow from the roots of your feminine power

  • Learn how to tap into specific feminine archetypes for inspiration & support through ritual & meditation.

  • Leave the workshop with a specific & personalised plan of growth for you.

    We can't wait to embark on this empowering journey with you! 💫🌸🌼

In this course you will learn and practice the following:

➜ The significance of healing from the roots for spiritual freedom.

➜ The feminine ways of development.

➜ The 10 Divine Mother feminine archetypes & their significance to personal healing.

➜ How to harness and embody these feminine archetypes.

➜ How to enhance and heal your femininity through yoga & meditation.

➜ Body and Mind Preparation: Yoga therapy session focused on cleansing, purification, and inner harmony    

➜ Group Ritual to experience the connection to the Maha Vidhyas  

➜ Creating Your Healing Map: Practical exercises and guidance on mapping your personal healing journey using the Maha Vidyas as a framework

➜ Self-Exploration: Guided exercises to delve into your inner self and identify personal healing needs.

➜ What your blockages are to your feminine energy.

➜ Sharing and discussing one's experience.

➜ Developing genuine authentic support and connection with other women.

➜ Symbols, Archetypes, and Healing Language: Understanding the symbolism and language of our healing mind 

➜ Small Rituals of Daily Life: Practical guidance on incorporating sacred rituals into everyday routines as preparation for more profound work. 

➜ Closing Ceremony offering tools and resources for continued healing and exploration. 

Benefits of this course:

🔮 Self-Exploration: A Dive deep into your inner self, uncovering hidden potentials and healing needs.

➜ Remove emotional and mental blockages and stuck energy.

➜ Greater sense of self realisation.

🧘 Yoga Therapy:  Begin each day with yoga therapy to prepare your body and mind.

➜ Enhance your femininity through yoga & meditation.

➜ Cleanse and purify the mind & body energetically.

➜ Bring in balance & harmony.

🤝 Community:  Connect with like-minded women in a nurturing and supportive environment.

➜ Rekindle a sense of self love & sisterhood.

🌟 Heal from the Roots: Understand the foundational principles of healing to attain spiritual freedom.

➜ Understand your feminine nature more deeply and clearly.

➜ Understand what femininity truly means at the soul level.

🧚‍♀️ Maha Vidyas:  Discover the 10 Divine Mother archetypes, ancient symbols of feminine wisdom.

➜ Understand the benefits of working with the 10 feminine archetypes.

🌌 Symbols and Archetypes: Learn the language of your healing mind and harness the power of symbolism.

🌄 Group Rituals:  Experience transformative group rituals to connect with the energies of the Maha Vidyas.


The stresses of modern life, the sacrifices of motherhood, perimenopause/menopause, and just being a woman in a society that has lost the understanding of the importance of the divine essence of the masculine and feminine principles often leaves us confused, exhausted, anxious and feeling we are not enough. It can also lead us to believe we have to be competitive, strive and work hard to succeed.

Most women have enter the working environment with men as their role models for success in business and leadership leading them to step into masculine behaviours. Our childhood role models and experiences can create limiting beliefs and self sabotaging behaviours.

Many women will express that they don’t feel seen or understood by their partners, or family and friends.

Or maybe you feel good and balanced but are looking to grow your understanding of your feminine nature to become more creative, find your flow, understand your purpose more clearly, develop a more nurturing side to you, express your sensuality and sexuality more confidently…. the journey with the Maha Vidyas enables us in all these areas.

This course is appropriate for all women of all ages and backgrounds that wish to explore their femininity, spirituality, healing and personal growth.

Engravings of the Maha Vidyas

Ticket Prices & Timings:

1. Early Bird - Special Price: £195 until 24.00 17th October 2023!

2. Regular - £295

This is a Unique Event with Limited Places.

Workshop timetable:
Saturday: 09:30 - 18:00 plus shared dinner in the evening 18.30-20.30
Sunday: 09:30 - 18.00

All times provided are according to British local time (GMT)

Date of this workshop: 21 & 22 of October 2023

All attendees will be sent a questionnaire to complete before attending additional to the Application Form.

* You can book a FREE Discovery Session with Dr Pentiuc

** You can book a FREE Enquiry or 10% off Therapies & Massages with Mel here:

Facilitators of this Course:

Dr Mihaiela Pentiuc

A respected Medical Doctor, Homeopath, Yoga Therapist, Yogini and Spiritual Mentor.

Mihaiela, better known as Maha, has spent over 30 years in the field of Holistic and Spiritual Healing integrating it with her knowledge as a Western Doctor. As a yogini of over 30 years with in depth Tantric experience of authentic Tantra Yoga, she brings very unique and powerful insights and practices to healing mind, body and soul.

Her empowerment and experience in working with the 10 Tantric Archetypes of the Maha Vidhya’s enables her to share a very experiencal journey for modern women to truly understand their divine authentic feminine nature and to heal and grow through these ancient Rituals of the Sacred Feminine.

Mel Harris

Founder of Alchemy of Living. Yogini, Facilitator, Coach & Holistic Therapist of Tantra Yoga, Tantra & Ayurvedic Massage, Energy Healing, Relationships & Intimacy, Spiritual & Personal Growth.

Mel has an extensive background in both business, leadership, personal development, holistic healing and Spiritual development.

This powerful mix enables her to provide meaningful support to her clients and students making their way through modern day struggles.

“Women are emotional in order to feel the divine energy at the highest levels and be supreme healers and lovers and mothers. Not to drive men insane. Her deep spiritual connection to feelings is to inspire a man to his spiritual heights as well. She is an oracle.”
— Raja Khan

Book Here for Live Tickets


This is a Live Non-Residential Course hosted at:

David Lloyd Leisure Newhaven,

Newhaven Place, Edinburgh, EH6 4LX

United Kingdom